Family Lawyer


Dezil Fryer is a family lawyer dedicated to helping individuals and families in Family Law and Divorce cases.

Some family disputes can result in litigation that can have lasting effects on a person’s life. Spouses or parents are often caught off guard when presented with a family law issue and are uncertain about how to proceed. Regardless of the nature of your dispute, you should retain a family lawyer who will advocate on your behalf to help you protect your rights. Family Attorney Denzil Fryer has decades of experience handling complex cases and will strive to obtain the best possible legal result available for your situation.

Our Family Law Services Include

Division of assets

  • Drafting of settlement agreements by divorce lawyer
  • Litigation regarding division of assets

Child and spousal maintenance

  • Our family lawyer arrange court applications for child and spousal maintenance
  • Drafting of maintenance agreements

Contact with children and custody of children

  • Drafting of parental responsibility and rights agreements
  • Court applications regarding contact and custody of children
Family Lawyer Roodepoort

protection orders

Our Family Lawyer will assist with:

  • Applications for protection orders and
  • our family lawyer will represent you at protection order Court proceedings
protection order roodepoort krugersdorp

Frequently asked family law questions

family law frequently asked questions

FAQ1 – What factors does the court consider when determining a maintenance order for a child’s maintenance?

The court will always act in the best interest of the child. The duty to support the child financially falls on both parents of the child. The court will consider the respective financial means of each parent and apportion the obligation to support the child according to the means of each parent.

FAQ2 – Do I still have to pay maintenance for my child even if my ex-partner remarries?

Yes. The obligation to support your child does not fall away if your ex-partner remarries and you will still have to provide for your child’s maintenance needs until your child is self-supporting.

FAQ3 – I don’t earn as much money as I used to earn, and I can no longer afford the maintenance I have been ordered to pay. Can a maintenance order be changed?

It is possible to apply to the Court to vary the original maintenance order. The Court will investigate the financial situation of the parents of the child and may vary the order if the financial situation of the parents have changed substantially since the granting of the original maintenance order.

Read More About Family Law:

Family lawyer Denzil Fryer practices law in Roodepoort, Krugersdorp, and Randburg areas. We also offer Zoom and Teams consultations anywhere in South Africa.

Contact a Family Lawyer Now